von Daniela Peukert | Feb 6, 2020 | Allgemein, Tweets
I am so pleased this paper has just been published: https://t.co/tLxvndl3OP Best collaboration with lovely #EstherMeyer. We combine #designresearch and philosophy to develop an epistemology for #transdisciplinary #sustainability research. @tandfonline @leuphana...
von Daniela Peukert | Feb 21, 2019 | Aktuelles, Tweets
I am happy my book chapter "Entwurfsbasierte Interventionen in der transdisziplinären Forschung" has finally been published in the book „Interventionsforschung. Wege der Vermittlung – Intervention – Partizipation“. https://t.co/ouWUI5Y81D...
von Daniela Peukert | Mai 4, 2018 | Tweets
Finally the Unfrozen book has arrived @sdn_tweets. Happily reading our article @AndreaAugsten on roles and skills of Designers and Design Researchers in the sun. #designresearch pic.twitter.com/sB3Z8EOI4s — Daniela Peukert (@d_peukert) May 4,...
von Daniela Peukert | Apr 16, 2018 | Tweets
We are happy to annouce our Leverage Points conference in Februar 2019. Save the date! (more information and call for abstracts will follow soon) https://t.co/612m6jFpHV — Leverage Points (@LevPoints4Sust) March 23,...
von Daniela Peukert | Mrz 9, 2018 | Tweets
By chance I took over the moderation of the session "Empowering Crafts" at the #BeyondChange conference together with my colleague. I learned a lot about artisan initiatives from Oaxaca/Mexico and India and how valuable local knowledge is....
von Daniela Peukert | Jan 16, 2018 | Tweets
#scaling deep: How can we build trust in our women’s association? Women’s want to change values to amplify the outcome of their association, producing socks, shoos from local wool and natural color @LevPoints4Sust @d_peukert @andra_milcu @hengenlang...