von Daniela Peukert | Feb 6, 2020 | Allgemein, Tweets
I am so pleased this paper has just been published: https://t.co/tLxvndl3OP Best collaboration with lovely #EstherMeyer. We combine #designresearch and philosophy to develop an epistemology for #transdisciplinary #sustainability research. @tandfonline @leuphana...
von Daniela Peukert | Feb 21, 2019 | Aktuelles, Tweets
I am happy my book chapter "Entwurfsbasierte Interventionen in der transdisziplinären Forschung" has finally been published in the book „Interventionsforschung. Wege der Vermittlung – Intervention – Partizipation“. https://t.co/ouWUI5Y81D...
von Daniela Peukert | Mai 30, 2018 | Aktuelles
Das Video meines Vortrags „Transformation, Transdisciplinarity, Transition. About the new Responsibility of Design“ im Rahmen des Design Research Methods Festivals 2017 an der HKB ist nun online verfügbar. Viel Spaß beim...
von Daniela Peukert | Mai 4, 2018 | Tweets
Finally the Unfrozen book has arrived @sdn_tweets. Happily reading our article @AndreaAugsten on roles and skills of Designers and Design Researchers in the sun. #designresearch pic.twitter.com/sB3Z8EOI4s — Daniela Peukert (@d_peukert) May 4,...
von Daniela Peukert | Apr 16, 2018 | Tweets
We are happy to annouce our Leverage Points conference in Februar 2019. Save the date! (more information and call for abstracts will follow soon) https://t.co/612m6jFpHV — Leverage Points (@LevPoints4Sust) March 23,...