Ende Juni werden mehr als 600 Designforscher in Brighton zusammen kommen um den 50. Geburtstag der Design Research Society (DRS) mit einer Konferenz zu feiern – darunter auch meine lieben Kolleginnen Andrea Augsten, Jane Thierfelder, Vera-Karina Gebhardt und ich! Das Programm ist sehr vielversprechend – Paper Präsentationen, Conversation Talks und Workshops rund um das Thema Designforschung. Unser Workshop verfolgt die Frage: «How might we strengthen the connecting and synthesizing role of design researchers within transdisciplinary teams?»
Unsere Workshop-Beschreibung: „The workshop will be based on an initial study kicked off by design:transfer, an initiative which focuses on issues of design research in transformational processes in science, business, politics and society investigating the different roles and competences of design researchers, while focussing on the personal role the participants currently fulfil. The interim report provided insights into the implicit links between competences, methods and team formation. It resulted in ambitious, yet critical discussions – and showed , that there is an urgent need to keep this discussion running. The session will be both, an active reflection on competencies of design researchers, and an interactive production of new ideas and knowledge about their linking (personal) roles and tasks within teams. The workshop will focus on the present, and on how a design researcher is already embedded within a team and organisation. These insights will support the following discussion on possible new roles and skills a design researcher will need as a part of interdisciplinary teams.“
Registriert euch für unseren DRS Workshop bis zum 20.Juni!
Wenn ihr auch Teil der Phd by Design Community in Brighton seid, laden wir euch auch herzlich ein an unserem zweiten Workshop am Tag danach teilzunehmen – am 30.Juni.